We all want our children to succeed. We love them, and we want what's best for them. The challenge is we are often operating on false notions of how to get there. We get triggered when intensity builds, and we act from fear based ideas of protection, coercion, and control that drive disconnection and opposition. We don't know what to say or how to act to build trust, connection, and collaboration. We know we should stop micromanaging and relax, but how?
We want our children to trust us, trust life, and learn to trust themselves and their own authority. Life is choices; and children who have learned to be comfortable making them, and making good ones will lead the happiest most successful lives. Our job is to support them in doing just that.
"We have to be connected to our kids and they to us. A strong connection with a parent is the closest thing to a silver bullet for preventing mental health problems in kids...A close relationship with parents allows kids to feel safe, accepted, and respected - which ultimately helps them develop a sense of control and the self-drive that goes with it." (What Do You Say, Johnson and Stixrud.)
Strategies to:
Bring down the intensity
Stop endless battles and power struggles
Identify triggers and reduce tantrums
Foster closeness and connection
Deal with strong emotions of highly sensitivity kids
Diminish sibling rivalry
Successfully control screen time
Manage bedtime
Establish boundaries and consequences
Build respectful communication and closeness